Premier Global NASM continues to add value, offering learners and graduates 6-months of free FitPro access to Archon’s world-renowned fitness testing and profiling software platform.
Archon lets you discover a lot about yourself and your client’s performance in just a few simple steps. By completing tests performed every day in the gym, out on the road or even at home, Archon can tell when a personal best has been achieved. It gives information on what you or your clients need to do to get better, and by how much. It has videos to make sure everything is done safely and allows comparison to other people, using height, weight, age and gender. Archon can help create friendly competition, selecting exercises or activities that suit your client’s needs or preferences. It’s ideal for fitness professionals wanting to build great programs for their clients.
To register for your complimentary 6-months unlocked fitpro access, courtesy of Premier Global NASM click the link below: https://platform.