Applying for vacancies

Put in your postcode and a search radius click search, it will then show all the vacancies available in your area.
Job Alert emails – this is a great tool to use before you start your course or during the first few weeks.  You can search an area or select a few employers you would like to work for. When a vacancy that meets your criteria is then uploaded to the system, you will get an email to notify you.
All vacancies must be applied for via the jobs board. You will be asked to set up an account (these details are separate to your online learning details) so that you can complete part of the application and save it and continue at a later date if you should need to. Some of the vacancies such as Virgin Active and David Lloyd will redirect you to a different website. This is because these employers have their own application process and will need to be completed via their website. Make sure, when you are applying for vacancies, that you are using a professional email address. Once you have completed the online application form and successfully sent your application over, this is what will happen next:
• It will be received by Premier’s recruitment team and you will be sent an email confirming our receipt (this may go into your junk mail folder so please check to make sure you have received this).
• The recruitment team will then forward your application to the requested employers, or contact you to let you know that you are not suitable for the vacancy.
• Usually the employers get back to you or contact us within 3-4 days. If you have not heard anything, please get in contact with us and we will chase up your application. If you have applied for an international vacancy, please allow five days before chasing.
• The employers do not always get back to us to let us know details of interviews or if you have started working with them, so please keep us informed of your progress.
Please note: If you are asked to provide certificates or proof of qualifications for an interview or to start working, you will need to contact our Member Service Department on 0333 400 0353.